My day started out REALLY rough this morning. First of all, I feel bad. To make matters worse, I woke up about 45 minutes late!!! When you work 30 minutes from home that is never good. Then, it was one of those days where none of my clothes seemed to fit right. There were tears and thoughts of calling in sick. But alas, I made it to ECHS not a moment too soon. I felt much better when the school day started. My students were delightful today (this is not an every day occurrence, so I cherish the days when they come:) ) and my day got progressively better.

During my planning period, I got to see a Chinook (super bad military helicopter) land on the front lawn of the school. They called them in when a few prisoner escaped from the prison down the street. {That was a joke} But seriously, we really did have a Chinook on the front lawn. I think the ROTC set this special treat up. It was the talk of the school and all the kids got to go see it during their lunch period.
When I left school I went to the gym with Jessie. Then, I got to go have MEXICAN food with Richard, Lynz, Jonathan, Sarah Lynn, Steven and Alicia. Could this day get any better???? Yes, it can. Then today was day 10 with my Amish Friendship Bread, so I had to put it together. Those Amish sure are patient. It's been killing Richard and I having a bag of dough on the counter and nothing to show for it....
Then, I realized....I think you are supposed to have friends in mind when you make your Amish bread. If you've never made it before, at the end, right before you put the final ingredients in, you make 4 "starter bags" to give to friends so that they can share in the joy that is Amish bread. Now I have a dilemma...what if my friends don't care for Amish bread...their watching their carbs, they don't like Amish get my point. So now I will go to bed thinking about who to give my Amish Friendship Bread bags to. Anybody want some???