I've been singing the GSU fight song all day in my head (and out loud). To all of my Southern "friends" who will be traitors wearing red and black tomorrow....I'll be praying for you. I hope that one day you will understand what it really means to have loyalty and school spirit. I hope you spill something on your UGA shirt and it makes you think of Beautiful Eagle Creek...and I hope you can't find parking in Athens and it makes you think of Sweetheart Circle. When you are in that stadium with 90,000 other folks and Georgia Southern scores and you wish you could cheer, I hope you remember these words....
Hail the Blue, Hail the White, Hail the team that soaring upward to bring us fame....
GEORGIA SOUTHERN EAGLES fight unto victory and win this game....
Blue and White, fight, fight
Blue and White, fight, fight
Lastly, when Georgia Southern is victorious tomorrow, DO NOT under any circumstances claim that you are a GSU fan. DO NOT claim that you thought they were going to win. Just hang your head in shame and start preparing yourself to wear Blue and White in September 2012 and watch as the Bulldawgs rank goes down the tube.
Hail Southern.
Oh Schmecca, you crack me up. And I would never switch sides... I might have transferred schools but I am still all about those eagles.
I just realized, in all your loyalty, that I never knew the GSU fight song.
Please don't break up with me...
Good post Smecka (what's the official spelling on that one?). I'm using the WNL 2 spelling. Anywho, who can I call out here? First of all, Mandy for not knowing the fight song...you're the reason why GSU started printing the words on the back of their shirts. Jason McCleod was wearing red and black Saturday. What's that? Yes, yes he did play football for Southern. Yes, yes he is a traitor. I hope he feels bad about his choices when he hangs out with Mike Seaver (Kirk Cameron). They had this huge dedication of uga VI...lame. I was not going to stand for a dog that all of Athens worshiped. In the words of Jessica Wylie, "They inbred that dog so much that he was actually retarded. That's why he died." Through prayer, thanksgiving, and supplication, I feel like GSU fans will be lead to the truth and turn away from their wicked ways. A man cannot serve two masters. And if you are lukewarm about where you stand with GSU vs. uga, Gus will spit you out of his mouth. This includes wearing a GSU vs. uga shirt to the actual game. That's bush league. Hail Southern!!! CAW! CAW!
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