Sunday, March 2, 2008

Bad blogger, bad

So, after a million comments about what a bad blogger I have been for not having posted anything for a few weeks, this is my feeble attempt at redeeming myself.

Richard and I feel stretched a little thin lately. Our life has been crazy and busy. This is of course our own fault for overcommitting ourselves and letting things around the house get slightly out of hand. When the pastor mentioned in church this morning the 3 things he asks of his church members, we sort of had a sense of relief. PKJ (Pastor Keith Joseph) believes that each church member should commit to 1 hour of worship per week, 1 hour of bible study, and 1 hour of service. It got us thinking about how awesome it would be if every single member of our church did that. We would no longer be desperately searching for sunday school and awanas leaders. Every church member would at least be in a position to learn more about God's Word each week and be in a smaller group where accountability becomes a possibility.

ACCOUNTABILITY: what a scary word. Maybe scary isn't the correct way to put it, how about powerful. I love the fact that if we don't show up for Sunday School people notice. People that go to their big ole' church service and fade into the congregation are sad to me. They don't want people to know their gifts and strengths, because they might be asked to use them. I never feel more fulfilled and in the will of God than when I allow Him to use me as He has gifted me and as He sees fit.

The good news is: our house is relatively clean, we went to the K-Roger and bought groceries, our taxes are filed, my lesson plans are complete and we have clean clothes to wear tomorrow.
The better news is: our God is in control of not only the universe, but our little lives and over committed schedules. Glory to His name.

p.s. Have I mentioned how crazy I am about my husband? He rocks my world. Enough said.

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