Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Here are some things that the Lord taught me this week:
*I am so blessed for having parents that loved me enough to teach me about Jesus
*Prayer is very powerful
*Kindergarteners scream when the power goes out
*The gospel is simple enough for a child to accept and deep enough to keep us studying and learning our whole life
*Pie goes through fake sand onto carpet with relative ease
*Children love having goals. They love getting behind a cause and are very generous
*Adults need to feel needed. Every adult wants to have ownership over something, no matter how big or small
*Smoking doesn't send you to hell ( I already knew this one)
*If we started making a list right now of how God's Word can be applied to our lives, the list wouldn't be complete until the day Jesus comes back
*Missionaries get it
What has the Lord taught you lately??? Please respond.


Kelly P said...

Hey RJHD!! I love catching up on what you've been up to. And to answer your question - what has the Lord taught me lately - I have just been incredibly overwhelmed with the fact that the Lord's will WILL happen - whether or not it is our will. I have sometimes had a hard time letting His will run my life instead of my will - and when I let His will be mine - things just go so much smoother. We've been going through some trying times - the tough decision of moving just ACROSS THE STREET to help some friends rent out their house - miscarrying some pregnancies - and the general challenge of feeling overwhelmed by toddlers ... I just need to keep reminding myself to do the Lord's will and everything will work out just as He wants it and just how it's supposed to. That's what I've learned lately!

mandy said...

hey. where'd you go??

ok. what has the Lord been teaching me lately? that life isn't easy. and that bad stuff happens. but that doesn't mean He's bad, nor does it mean that I'm bad.
we just live in a fallen world.

and things will keep falling until He lifts us all up.