Here are some fun things that are happening in my life:
*My twin sister is about 20 weeks pregnant with twin boys and I am getting to go with her to her ultrasound this week. I also got to keep her precious 15 month old, Sarah Lynn, on Friday. We had so much fun. Especially when we had a play date with baby Nate! A good time was had by all, but unfortunately, no afternoon naps were had, but she was still a perfect angel of course.
Here are a couple of pictures of the babies playing

*My friend, Jessie, is about 36 weeks pregnant and I am going with her to her ultrasound tomorrow! I also get to take her and her husband to the beach and take a few prego pics. I am going to pretend like I am a professional photographer!!! How much fun is that?

*Richard and I ate dinner one night on our fine china and drank from our beautiful crystal goblets, and used our silver flatware! It was like a tea party...I was way more excited than Richard (imagine that!) Here's a picture of our table.
*I finished reading the book
Like Dandelion Dust by Karen Kingsbury. It was a great book. I couldn't put it down. Loved the ending. All is well with the world. I kept talking about the characters and my husband kept reminding me that they "are not real people." Yeah, yeah.
*My little brother-in-law spent the night with us on Friday night. We had a blast. He is so grown up it makes me sad. He so darn cute and he's a great kid. Every time he comes Richard shaves his head. It's sort of a ritual.
*I saw the
Dark Knight in the movie theater on Saturday. It was AWESOME. I was not disappointed. It was everything I hope it would be. The only thing that disappointed me was not seeing the new and improved Wayne Manor. I was looking forward to seeing that rebuilt.
*I have fallen more in love with my sweet husband. I find myself wondering just how much you can love another human being. Anyone who doesn't believe in marriage or the power of love has obviously not really experienced it. I appreciate him so much and I know that it is partly because of some of my former relationships and heartaches. The Lord was just preparing me to be Richard's love.
*I have really been getting into the Word a lot more in the recent weeks. I love Jesus. We over use those words so much, but I mean them from the bottom of my heart. "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross." (Philippians 2:5-8) How could we not love someone like that. He gave it all...all to Him we owe. All the little things that I have been holding back from Him I am praying that He will help me to surrender. It may take my whole life, but I'm going to learn to love the Lord the way He wants me to. I hope that you are close to a place where you feel the same way.
*You guys should check out my article in the Richmond Hill magazine which will come out next month. I'm just a math teacher who thinks that she can be a writer. God help us all.
*Haven't solved a rubix cube yet or cleaned out my closets, but that is in the plan for this week...Lord, give me strength!
*School starts soon. I'm trying not to think about it just yet! For now, I am enjoying my summer. God Bless you this week. Do something amazing. Stop and smell the roses. If you are feeling down, count your blessings. If you don't have any blessings, at least you have me thinking about you.